अल्मोड़ा के सभी अधिकारियों के सीयूजी मोबाइल नंबर, डीएम, एसडीएम, सीडीओ, बीडीओ, तहसीलदार व अन्य।
Almora DM, SDM, CDO, BDO, Tehsildar, Lekhpal CUG Mobile Number: अल्मोड़ा जिले के रहने वाले आपमें से बहुत सारे लोग Almora DM, ADM, SDM, Tehsildar, CDO, Naib Tehsildar, Lekhpal and BDO Mobile Numbers सर्च करते हैं।
लेकिन उन्हे सही जानकारी प्राप्त नही हो पाती है, ऐसे लोगो के मदद और जानकारी के लिए हमने यह Almora District Level Officers Phone Numbers की लिस्ट बनाई है।
जिससे आपको Almora DM, SDM, CDO, BDO, Lekhpal, Tehsildar CUG Mobile Whatsapp Number आसानी से प्राप्त हो जायेंगे।
Table of Contents
Almora District Level Officers Phone Numbers
Designation | CUG Mobile Number | |
District Magistrate | dm-alm-ua[at]nic[dot]in | 05962-230170 |
Additional District Magistrate | admalmora[at]gmail[dot]com | 05962-233203 |
S.D.M., Almora | sdmsadaralmora[at]gmail[dot]com | 05962-230171 |
S.D.M., Bhanoli | sdmbhanoli[at]gmail[dot]com | 05962-263075 |
S.D.M., Jainti | sdmjainti[at]gmail[dot]com | 05962-275649 |
S.D.M., Someshwar | sdmsomeshwar[at]gmail[dot]com | 05962-243186 |
S.D.M., Ranikhet | sdmranikhet[at]gmail[dot]com | 05966-220206 |
S.D.M., Dwarahat | sdmdwarahat[at]gmail[dot]com | 05966-244860 |
S.D.M., Chaukutia | sdmchaukhutiya[at]gmail[dot]com | 05966-246699 |
S.D.M., Bhikiasain | sdmbhikiyasain[at]gmail[dot]com | 05966-242025 |
S.D.M., Sult | sdm[dot]sult[at]gmail[dot]com | 05966-238802 |
S.D.M., Syalde | sdm[dot]syalde[at]gmail[dot]com | 05966-247484 |
Superintendent of Police | sp-alm-ua[at]nic[dot]in | 05962-230007 |
Chief Development Officer | cdo[dot]alm[at]gmail[dot]com | 05962-230027 |
District Development Officer | ddo[dot]alm[at]gmail[dot]com | 05962-230027 |
Project Director, DRDA | drda-alm[at]nic[dot]in | 05962-230142 |
Chief Agriculture Officer | caoalmora[at]gmail[dot]com | 05962-230424 |
Chief Veterinary Officer | cvoalm[at]gmail[dot]com | 05962-232289 |
District Social Welfare Officer | socialwelfarealmora[at]gmail[dot]com | 05962-235564 |
District Program Officer | icdsalmora[at]gmail[dot]com | 05962-235796 |
District Panchayat Raj Officer | dproofficealmora[at]gmail[dot]com | 05962-231720 |
District Stat. & Eco. Officer | dsto-alm-ua[at]nic[dot]in | 05962-230321 |
Chief Medical Officer | cmo-alm-ua[at]nic[dot]in | 05962-233015 |
District Supply Officer | dsoalm[at]gmail[dot]com | 05962-230646 |
Regional Tourist Officer | regionaltouristoffice[at]gmail[dot]com | 05962-230180 |
Senior Treasury Officer | treas-alm-ua[at]nic[dot]in | 05962-230187 |
District Informatics Officer | uaalm[at]nic[dot]in | 05962-231089 |
Almora DM SDM Tehsildar ADM CDO BDO Lekhpal CUG Mobile Number
Designation | CUG Mobile Number |
DM Almora | 05962-230170 |
ADM Almora | 05962-233203 |
S.D.M., Almora | 05962-230171 |
S.D.M., Bhanoli | 05962-263075 |
S.D.M., Jainti | 05962-275649 |
S.D.M., Someshwar | 05962-243186 |
S.D.M., Ranikhet | 05966-220206 |
S.D.M., Dwarahat | 05966-244860 |
S.D.M., Chaukutia | 05966-246699 |
S.D.M., Bhikiasain | 05966-242025 |
S.D.M., Sult | 05966-238802 |
S.D.M., Syalde | 05966-247484 |
SP Almora | 05962-230007 |
DSP Almora | 05962-230007 |
CDO Almora | 05962-230027 |
DDO Almora | 05962-230027 |
Project Director, DRDA | 05962-230142 |
Chief Agriculture Officer | 05962-230424 |
Chief Veterinary Officer | 05962-232289 |
District Social Welfare Officer | 05962-235564 |
District Program Officer | 05962-235796 |
District Panchayat Raj Officer | 05962-231720 |
District Stat. & Eco. Officer | 05962-230321 |
Chief Medical Officer | 05962-233015 |
District Supply Officer | 05962-230646 |
Regional Tourist Officer | 05962-230180 |
Senior Treasury Officer | 05962-230187 |
District Informatics Officer | 05962-231089 |
District Horticulture Officer | 05962-230082 |
Project Officer UREDA | 05962-234016 |
District Education Officer | 05962-230074 |
Divisional Forest Officer, Almora | 05962-230065 |
Regional Employment Officer | 05962-230014 |
Adventure Tourism Officer | 05962-237760 |
Assistant Commissioner Trade Tax | 05962-230107 |
Income Tax Officer | 05962-230092 |
Superintendent Engineer, PWD, Almora | 05962-230295 |
Superintendent of Post, Almora | 05962-230044 |
Government Hospital, Ranikhet | 05966-220526 |
Thana , Almora | 05962-230323 |
Thana, Ranikhet | 05966-220232 |
Thana, Dwarahat | 05966-244059 |
Thana, Someshwar | 05962-243061 |
Thana, Bhatraujkhan | 05966-287004 |
Mahila Thana, Almora | 05962-232349 |
Almora DM, SDM, CDO, BDO, Tehsildar, Lekhpal CUG Mobile Number related FAQ’s
अल्मोड़ा डीएम का सीयूजी मोबाइल नम्बर 05962-230170 है।
DM Almora Mobile Number is 05962-230170.
अल्मोड़ा डीएम का Whatsapp Number मौजुद नही है।
Almora DM, SDM, ADM, BDO, CDO, Tehsildar, Naib Tehsildar, Contact Number, CUG Number, Mobile Number, Whatsapp Number, Phone Number, Fax Number, Helpline Number, Email ID, Landline Number