Satara DM SDM Tehsildar ADM CDO BDO Lekhpal CUG Mobile Number


सातारा के सभी अधिकारियों के सीयूजी मोबाइल नंबर, डीएम, एसडीएम, सीडीओ, बीडीओ, तहसीलदार व अन्य।

Satara DM, SDM, CDO, BDO, Tehsildar, Lekhpal CUG Mobile Number: सातारा जिले के रहने वाले आपमें से बहुत सारे लोग Satara DM, ADM, SDM, Tehsildar, CDO, Naib Tehsildar, Lekhpal and BDO Mobile Numbers सर्च करते हैं।

लेकिन उन्हे सही जानकारी प्राप्त नही हो पाती है, ऐसे लोगो के मदद और जानकारी के लिए हमने यह Satara District Level Officers Phone Numbers की लिस्ट बनाई है।

जिससे आपको Satara DM, SDM, CDO, BDO, Lekhpal, Tehsildar CUG Mobile Whatsapp Number आसानी से प्राप्त हो जायेंगे।

Satara District Level Officers Phone Numbers

DesignationCUG Mobile Number
Collector & District Magistrate02162232175
Chief Executive Officer (ZP)02162230688
District Superitendent of Police02162232225
Additional Collector02162230138
Resident Deputy Collector02162232175
Deputy Collector (EGS)02162233842
District Supply Officer02162234840
District Planning Officer02162234843
Deputy Collector (Election)02162232126
District Soldier Welfare Officer02162239293
District Resettlement Officer02162234292
Sepcial Land Acqusition Officer No.  202162 238701
Sepcial Land Acqusition Officer No.  -402162238701
Sepcial Land Acqusition Officer No.  -902162238701
Sepcial Land Acqusition Officer No.  -1902162238701
Sepcial Land Acqusition Officer No.  -1202162283186
Sepcial Land Acqusition Officer No.  -1602162283186
Sepcial Land Acqusition Officer No.  -602162283186
SDO Satara, Jaoli02162234395
SDO Karad02164221378
SDO Wai, Khandala, Mahabaleshwar02167227744
SDO Phaltan02166222386
SDO Koregaon02163221300
SDO Patan02372283122
SDO Man & Khatav——–
Satara District Level Officers Phone Numbers

Satara DM SDO Tehsildar ADM CDO BDO Lekhpal CUG Mobile Number

DesignationCUG Mobile Phone Number
DC & DM Satara Mobile Number02162232175
Chief Executive Officer (ZP)02162230688
District Superitendent of Police02162232225
Additional Collector02162230138
Resident Deputy Collector02162232175
Deputy Collector (EGS)02162233842
District Supply Officer02162234840
District Planning Officer02162234843
Deputy Collector (Election)02162232126
District Soldier Welfare Officer02162239293
District Resettlement Officer02162234292
Sepcial Land Acqusition Officer No.  202162 238701
Sepcial Land Acqusition Officer No.  -402162238701
Sepcial Land Acqusition Officer No.  -902162238701
Sepcial Land Acqusition Officer No.  -1902162238701
Sepcial Land Acqusition Officer No.  -1202162283186
Sepcial Land Acqusition Officer No.  -1602162283186
Sepcial Land Acqusition Officer No.  -602162283186
SDO Satara, Jaoli02162234395
SDO Karad02164221378
SDO Wai, Khandala, Mahabaleshwar02167227744
SDO Phaltan02166222386
SDO Koregaon02163221300
SDO Patan02372283122
SDO Man & Khatav——–
Tahasildar, Satara02162230681
Tahasildar, Wai02167220010
Tahasildar, Khandala 02169252128
Tahasildar, Koregaon02163220240
Tahasildar, Phaltan02166222210
Tahasildar,  Dahiwadi02165220232
Tahasildar, Khatav02161231238
Tahasildar, Karad02164222212
Tahasildar, Patan02372283022
Tahasildar,  Jaoli02378285223
Tahasildar,  Mahableshwar02168260229
Satara DM SDO Tehsildar ADM CDO BDO Lekhpal CUG Mobile Number
सातारा डीएम का मोबाइल नम्बर क्या है?

सातारा डीएम का सीयूजी मोबाइल नम्बर 02162232175 है।

Satara DM Mobile Number?

DM Satara Mobile Number is 02162232175.

सातारा के डीएम का WhatsApp Number क्या है?

सातारा डीएम का WhatsApp Number 02162232175 है।

Satara District Collector Mobile Number?

Satara DC Mobile Number is 02162232175.

Satara DM, SDM, ADM, BDO, CDO, Tehsildar, Naib Tehsildar, Contact Number, CUG Number, Mobile Number, Whatsapp Number, Phone Number, Fax Number, Helpline Number, Email ID, Landline Number

सातारा जिले से सम्बंधित अधिक जानकारी के लिए आप सातारा जिले के अधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जा सकते हैं।

Sangli DM SDM Tehsildar ADM CDO BDO Lekhpal CUG Mobile Number

Whatsapp Channel
Telegram channel