Parbhani DM SDM Tehsildar ADM CDO BDO Lekhpal CUG Mobile Number


परभणी के सभी अधिकारियों के सीयूजी मोबाइल नंबर, डीएम, एसडीएम, सीडीओ, बीडीओ, तहसीलदार व अन्य।

Parbhani DM, SDM, CDO, BDO, Tehsildar, Lekhpal CUG Mobile Number: परभणी जिले के रहने वाले आपमें से बहुत सारे लोग Parbhani DM, ADM, SDM, Tehsildar, CDO, Naib Tehsildar, Lekhpal and BDO Mobile Numbers सर्च करते हैं।

लेकिन उन्हे सही जानकारी प्राप्त नही हो पाती है, ऐसे लोगो के मदद और जानकारी के लिए हमने यह Parbhani District Level Officers Phone Numbers की लिस्ट बनाई है।

जिससे आपको Parbhani DM, SDM, CDO, BDO, Lekhpal, Tehsildar CUG Mobile Whatsapp Number आसानी से प्राप्त हो जायेंगे।

Parbhani District Level Officers Phone Numbers

DesignationCUG Mobile Number
District Collector & District Magistrate Parbhani02452-223555
Additional Collector Parbhani02452-222733
Resident Deputy Collector Parbhani02452-223702
Deputy Collector Rehabiliation02452-228700
Deputy Collector Land Acquisition02452-227201
Deputy Collector EGS02452-233383
District Election Officer02452-222154
Deputy Collector General Administration02452-227201
District Supply Officer02452-223655
Deputy Suprintendent of Land Records, Pathari02451-255070
Deputy Suprintendent of Land Records, Palam02453-270170
Deputy Suprintendent of Land Records, Sonpeth02453-240141
Deputy Suprintendent of Land Records, Manwat02451-240102
Deputy Suprintendent of Land Records, Gangakhed02453-222615
Deputy Suprintendent of Land Records, Selu02451-222957
Deputy Suprintendent of Land Records, Jintur
Deputy Suprintendent of Land Records, Purna02452-552450
Deputy Suprintendent of Land Records, Parbhani02452-220366
District Suprintendent of Land Records, Parbhani02452-223275
Project Director Parbhani02452223388
Sub Division Officer, Pathri02451-255777
Sub Division Officer, Selu02451-222008
Sub Division Officer,Parbhani02452-226537
Parbhani District Level Officers Phone Numbers

Parbhani DM SDO Tehsildar ADM CDO BDO Lekhpal CUG Mobile Number

Officer DesignationCUG Mobile Phone Number
DC & DM Parbhani Mobile Number02452-223555
Additional Collector02452-222733
Resident Deputy Collector02452-223702
Deputy Collector Rehabiliation02452-228700
Deputy Collector Land Acquisition02452-227201
Deputy Collector EGS02452-233383
District Election Officer02452-222154
Deputy Collector General Administration02452-227201
District Supply Officer02452-223655
Deputy Suprintendent of Land Records, Pathari02451-255070
Deputy Suprintendent of Land Records, Palam02453-270170
Deputy Suprintendent of Land Records, Sonpeth02453-240141
Deputy Suprintendent of Land Records, Manwat02451-240102
Deputy Suprintendent of Land Records, Gangakhed02453-222615
Deputy Suprintendent of Land Records, Selu02451-222957
Deputy Suprintendent of Land Records, Jintur
Deputy Suprintendent of Land Records, Purna02452-552450
Deputy Suprintendent of Land Records, Parbhani02452-220366
District Suprintendent of Land Records, Parbhani02452-223275
Project Director Parbhani02452223388
Sub Division Officer, Pathri02451-255777
Sub Division Officer, Selu02451-222008
Sub Division Officer,Parbhani02452-226537
Tahsildar, Sonpeth02459-240246
Tahsildar, Manwat02451-240123
Tahsildar, Pathri02451-255321
Tahsildar, Palam02453-270253
Tahsildar, Purna02452-255173
Tahsildar, Gangakhed02453-222023
Tahsildar, Jintur02457-220110
Tahsildar, Selu02451-222334
Tahsildar, Parbhani02452-222711
Parbhani DM SDO Tehsildar ADM CDO BDO Lekhpal CUG Mobile Number
परभणी डीएम का मोबाइल नम्बर क्या है?

परभणी डीएम का सीयूजी मोबाइल नम्बर 02452-223555 है।

Parbhani DM Mobile Number?

DM Parbhani Mobile Number is 02452-223555.

परभणी के डीएम का WhatsApp Number क्या है?

परभणी डीएम का WhatsApp Number 02452-223555 है।

Parbhani District Collector Mobile Number?

Parbhani DC Mobile Number is 02452-223555.

Parbhani DM, SDM, ADM, BDO, CDO, Tehsildar, Naib Tehsildar, Contact Number, CUG Number, Mobile Number, Whatsapp Number, Phone Number, Fax Number, Helpline Number, Email ID, Landline Number

परभणी जिले से सम्बंधित अधिक जानकारी के लिए आप परभणी जिले के अधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जा सकते हैं।

Pune DM SDM Tehsildar ADM CDO BDO Lekhpal CUG Mobile Number

Whatsapp Channel
Telegram channel