Osmanabad Block List: List of Blocks of Osmanabad District, Maharashtra


Osmanabad Block List: The People who are resident of Osmanabad are searching for Blocks List of Osmanabad or Osmanabad Block List, but they can’t get the Full List of Blocks of Osmanabad District.

Most of the People Searches for How Many Blocks are there in Osmanabad District Maharashtra? There is total 1 Blocks in Osmanabad.

These Blocks are responsible for the development of Rural Areas and Panchayati Raj institutes. In same with cities there are urban development department who are responsible for development of Cities. The Block is also known as CD Block which means Community Development Block.

The BDO (Block Development Authority) is responsible authority or officer for the development of Block.

Osmanabad Block List

S. N.Block NameDistrict
Osmanabad Block List

उस्मानाबाद ब्लॉक यादी (Osmanabad Block List in Marathi)

क्र. म.ब्लॉक यादीजिल्हा
उस्मानाबाद ब्लॉक यादी

List of Blocks of Osmanabad District, Maharashtra

  • Osmanabad

Osmanabad Block List FAQ’s

How Many Blocks are there in Osmanabad District Maharashtra?

There is total 1 Blocks in Osmanabad.

उस्मानाबाद मध्ये किती ब्लॉक आहेत?

उस्मानाबाद मध्ये एकूण 1 ब्लॉक आहेत|

उस्मानाबाद जिले में कितने ब्लॉक हैं?

दोस्तो उस्मानाबाद जिले में कुल 1 ब्लॉक हैं।

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