Morbi DM SDM Mamlatdar ADM CDO BDO Lekhpal CUG Mobile Number


Morbi DM, SDM, CDO, BDO, Mamlatdar, Lekhpal CUG Mobile Number: Many of you resident of Morbi Gujarat searching for Morbi DM, ADM, SDM, Mamlatdar, CDO, Naib Mamlatdar, Lekhpal and BDO Mobile Numbers.

But they are unable to get the correct information, for the help and information of such people, we have made this list of Morbi District Level Officers Phone Numbers or Morbi District All Important Contacts.

With which you will get Morbi DM, SDM, CDO, BDO, Lekhpal, Mamlatdar CUG Mobile Whatsapp Number easily.

Morbi DM DC SDM Mamlatdar ADM CDO BDO Lekhpal CUG Mobile Number

DesignationCUG Mobile Number
Collector & DM02822-240701
Resi. Addi. Coll. and Addi. Dist. Magis., Morbi+91 2822 243300
Chitnish to Collector -1+91 2822 241599
Chitnish to Collector-2+91 2822 241599
Civil Supply Officer+91 2822 240008
Dep. Coll. and Sub Divisional Magis., Morbi+91 2822 242300
Deputy Collector Election+91 2822 240703
District Supply Officer———-
Dy. Collector MDM+91 2822 241600
Sub Divisional Magistrate, Halvad————
Sub divisional Magistrate, Wankaner+91 2828 223690
Prant Office, SDM Wankaner+91 2822 223690
Prant Officer, SDM Halvad and Asst. Collector+91 2828 223690
Prant Officer, SDM Morbi+91 2822 242300
Morbi DM DC SDM Mamlatdar ADM CDO BDO Lekhpal CUG Mobile Number

Morbi District Level Officers Phone Numbers

DesignationCUG Mobile Number
DC & DM Morbi Mobile Number02822-240701
Resi. Addi. Coll. and Addi. Dist. Magis., Morbi+91 2822 243300
Chitnish to Collector -1+91 2822 241599
Chitnish to Collector-2+91 2822 241599
Civil Supply Officer+91 2822 240008
Dep. Coll. and Sub Divisional Magis., Morbi+91 2822 242300
Deputy Collector Election+91 2822 240703
District Supply Officer———-
Dy. Collector MDM+91 2822 241600
Sub Divisional Magistrate, Halvad————
Sub divisional Magistrate, Wankaner+91 2828 223690
Prant Office, SDM Wankaner+91 2822 223690
Prant Officer, SDM Halvad and Asst. Collector+91 2828 223690
Prant Officer, SDM Morbi+91 2822 242300
Mamlatdar Halvad+91 2758 260031
Mamlatdar Maliya+91 2829 266722
Mamlatdar Morbi+91 2822 242418
Mamlatdar Tankara+91 2822 287677
Mamlatdar Wankaner+91 2828 220590
Morbi District Level Officers Phone Numbers
મોરબી ડીએમનો મોબાઈલ નંબર કેટલો છે?

મોરબી ડીએમનો CUG મોબાઈલ નંબર 02822-240701 છે.

Morbi DM Mobile Number?

DM Morbi Mobile Number is 02822-240701.

Morbi DC WhatsApp Number?

Morbi DC WhatsApp Number is 02822-240701.

What is Mobile Number of Morbi DC?

Morbi DC Mobile Number is 02822-240701.

Morbi DM, SDM, ADM, BDO, CDO, Mamlatdar, Naib Mamlatdar, Contact Number, CUG Number, Mobile Number, Whatsapp Number, Phone Number, Fax Number, Helpline Number, Email ID, Landline Number

For More Information related to Morbi District you can also visit the official website of Morbi Government.

Narmada DM SDM Mamlatdar ADM CDO BDO Lekhpal CUG Mobile Number

Whatsapp Channel
Telegram channel