Ahmednagar DM SDM Tehsildar ADM CDO BDO Lekhpal CUG Mobile Number


अहमदनगर के सभी अधिकारियों के सीयूजी मोबाइल नंबर, डीएम, एसडीएम, सीडीओ, बीडीओ, तहसीलदार व अन्य।

Ahmednagar DM, SDM, CDO, BDO, Tehsildar, Lekhpal CUG Mobile Number: अहमदनगर जिले के रहने वाले आपमें से बहुत सारे लोग Ahmednagar DM, ADM, SDM, Tehsildar, CDO, Naib Tehsildar, Lekhpal and BDO Mobile Numbers सर्च करते हैं।

लेकिन उन्हे सही जानकारी प्राप्त नही हो पाती है, ऐसे लोगो के मदद और जानकारी के लिए हमने यह Ahmednagar District Level Officers Phone Numbers की लिस्ट बनाई है।

जिससे आपको Ahmednagar DM, SDM, CDO, BDO, Lekhpal, Tehsildar CUG Mobile Whatsapp Number आसानी से प्राप्त हो जायेंगे।

Ahmednagar District Level Officers Phone Numbers

DesignationCUG Mobile Number
District Collector & Magistrate0241-2345001
Additional Collector0241-2326296
Resident Deputy Collector02412345504
Deputy Collector, Revenue0241-2345460
Deputy Collector, EGS0241-2323051
District Resettlement Officer0241-2344276
District Supply Officer0241-2326273
Dy. District Election Officer0241-2347623
SLAO 1, Ahmednagar0241-2422926
SLAO 7, Ahmednagar0241-2422926
SLAO 13, Ahmednagar0241-2422926
SLAO 15, Ahmednagar0241-2422926
Tahsildar, General Branch0241-2343602
Tahsildar, Tenancy Branch0241-2342500
Tahsildar, Revenue Branch0241-2343602
Tahsildar, Sanjay Gandhi Yojana0241-2325001
Tahsildar, Election Branch0241-2347623
Sub Divisional Officer, Shirdi02423-255757
Sub Divisional Officer, Pathardi02428-222363
Sub Divisional Officer, Shrigonda0241-2345652
Sub Divisional Officer, Karjat02489-222387
Sub Divisional Officer, Sangamner0241————-
Sub Divison Officer, Shrirampur02422-223775
Sub Divison Officer, Nagar0241-2345194
Ahmednagar District Level Officers Phone Numbers

Ahmednagar DM SDO Tehsildar ADM CDO BDO Lekhpal CUG Mobile Number

S. N.DesignationCUG Mobile Phone Number
1DC Ahmednagar0241-2345001
 2 Additional Collector 0241-2326296
 3 Resident Deputy Collector0241-2345004
 4 Deputy Collector (Revenue) 0241-2345460
 5 Deputy Collector (EGS) 0241-2323051,2345651
 6 District  Planning Officer0241- 2345864
 7District Resettlement Officer 0241-2344276
8National Informatics Centre0241-2343328
9District Supply Officer0241-2326273/2320236
 10 P.A. LAQ0241-2422926
 11 Dy. Dist Election Officer0241-2347623
 12Chitnis (R. B.)0241-2346028
 13Dy. Chitnis (D.C.)0241-2345449
 14Tahsildar, General Branch0241-2343602
 15Food Disrtibution Officer0241-2345284
 16Tenancy Branch0241-2342500
 17 Entertainment Branch 0241-2343601
 18Mining Branch0241-2344002
 19Scarcity Branch0241-2343600
 20Municipal  Branch0241-2345680
 21Sanjay Gandhi Yojana Branch0241-2325001
 22Reception Officer0241-2345004
 23 District Control Room0241-2323844,2356940
 24Treasury Officer0241-2424366,2428445
 25Joint Dist.Registrar0241-2343225,2340794
 26Sub Registrar, City0241-2340794
 27Superintendent of Land Records0241-2422943
 28Dy.SLR. , Nagar0241-2422935
 29City Survey Office, Nagar0241-2422927
 30District Consumer Forum0241-2347917
31S. D. O. Nagar0241-2345194
32S. D. O. Shrirampur02422-223775
33S. D. O. Sangamner02425-225311
34S. D. O. Karjat02489-222387
35S. D. O. Shrigonda0241-2345652
36S. D. O. Pathardi02428-222363
37S. D. O. Shirdi02423-255757
38Tahsildar Nagar0241-2411600
39Tahsildar Parner02488-221528
40Tahsildar Shevgaon02429-221235
41Tahsildar Pathardi02428-222332
42Tahsildar Shrigonda02487-222322
43Tahsildar Karjat02489-222326
44Tahsildar Jamkhed02421-221037
45Tahsildar Sangamner02425-225353
46Tahsildar Akole02424-221228
47Tahsildar Kopargaon02423-223059
48Tahsildar Shrirampur02422-222250
49Tahsildar Newasa02427-241225
50Tahsildar Rahata02423-242853
51Tahsildar Rahuri02426-232660
Ahmednagar DM SDO Tehsildar ADM CDO BDO Lekhpal CUG Mobile Number
अहमदनगर डीएम का मोबाइल नम्बर क्या है?

अहमदनगर डीएम का सीयूजी मोबाइल नम्बर 0241-2345001 है।

Ahmednagar DM Mobile Number?

DM Ahmednagar Mobile Number is 0241-2345001.

अहमदनगर के डीएम का WhatsApp Number क्या है?

अहमदनगर डीएम का WhatsApp Number 0241-2345001 है।

Ahmednagar District Collector Mobile Number?

Ahmednagar DC Mobile Number is 0241-2345001.

Ahmednagar DM, SDM, ADM, BDO, CDO, Tehsildar, Naib Tehsildar, Contact Number, CUG Number, Mobile Number, Whatsapp Number, Phone Number, Fax Number, Helpline Number, Email ID, Landline Number

अहमदनगर जिले से सम्बंधित अधिक जानकारी के लिए आप अहमदनगर जिले के अधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जा सकते हैं।

Akola DM SDM Tehsildar ADM CDO BDO Lekhpal CUG Mobile Number

Whatsapp Channel
Telegram channel